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Counter-Strike 1.6 CSO DeathMatch FIFA Addon Download [ LINUX ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 DeathMatch CSO BETA Awesome Addon + FDL ( 2k17 ) [ LATEST ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 DeathMatch Mod Is A Mod Where You Can Play Deadly And Make Your Game Strong And Become Pro Quickly With In A Month This Addon Where You Can Play Deadly And I Maked This Fully Unlock Plugin + Awesome Settings 😉

Counter-Strike 1.6 CSO DeathMatch FIFA Addon Download [ LINUX ]

Author Uploaded: Smat
Author Writer: SohaibXtreme

Plugins GamePlay:
1> gmsentryguns.amxx // Sentry MOD [ sentry_help ]
2> lasermine_023.amxx debug // LaserMine [ bind v +setlaser ]
3> auto_bind.amxx // Auto Binding Keys Sentry J And Laser V
4> tracer_xtreme.amxx // Beta Weapon Tracer
5> afm_melbs.amxx // AFK Manager
6> backweapons.amxx // Weapon Back Beta
6> multijump_admin.amxx // Only Double Jumps For ADmins/VIPs
7> amx_destroy.amxx // Beta Destroy
8> weapon_icon.amxx // Weapon ICON Side Bar
9> team_grenade_trail.amxx // Grenade Colors
10> KP_FIX.amxx // Head Spark
11> XtremeDamage.amxx // Damage Blue Aura
12> combo_sprtes.amxx // Sprites Skeleton Hud SHow

1> Fully Unlock Plugins
2> Anti Lag/Jerk
3> Latency Controller CFG’s
4> Fast Download Already Added
5> Fully Addons No Additional Material
6> DeathMatch Addon Linux Server


1> Linux Server
2> Connection Speed 2MB+
3> Port Speed 100MB+

ScreenShot:Counter-Strike 1.6 CSO DeathMatch FIFA Addon Download [ LINUX ]Counter-Strike 1.6 CSO DeathMatch FIFA Addon Download [ LINUX ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 CSO DeathMatch FIFA Addon Download [ LINUX ]
1. Download DM Linux [ CLICK TO Download DM CSO FIFA Linux ]
2. Winrar Password [ ]
3. Upload Folder ( cstrike ) Via Filezilla On Server [ cstrike ]
4. Run Server

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CS 1.6 deathmatch with bots, Counter-Strike Deathmatch 2.1 (CSDM) Released, how to download and install deathmatch mod (CSDM), Addons Death-Match, How to install DeathMatch mode on the server, Deathmatch Mode for Linux, CS 1.6 DeathMatch FIFA Mod Download, CS 1.6 DeathMatch CSO MOD Download

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