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Counter-Strike 1.6 Voleybol XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 Voleybol Plus XTREME CSO BETA Awesome Addon + FDL ( 2k17 ) [ LATEST ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 Voleybol XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 VoleybolMod/Addon Where You Can Turn Up Ur Skill To Become Pro In Gaming Arena And You Can Able To Play With On Multiplayer Level Skill And I Maked This Fully Unlock Plugin + Awesome Settings 😉

Counter-Strike 1.6 Voleybol XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]

Author Uploaded: Smat
Author Writer: SohaibXtreme

Plugins GamePlay:
sohaibxtreme1.amxx // adminchat
sohaibxtreme2.amxx // AdminExplode
sohaibxtreme3.amxx // adminfix
sohaibxtreme4.amxx // all admins status
sohaibxtreme5.amxx // amx destroy
sohaibxtreme6.amxx // amx ejl searchmaps
sohaibxtreme7.amxx // amx parachute
sohaibxtreme8.amxx // amx who
sohaibxtreme9.amxx // backweapons
sohaibxtreme10.amxx // bad camper
sohaibxtreme11.amxx // bunnyhop
sohaibxtreme12.amxx // cfg slash
sohaibxtreme13.amxx // frostnades
sohaibxtreme14.amxx // GHW_connect
sohaibxtreme15.amxx // multijump_admin
sohaibxtreme16.amxx // ptb
sohaibxtreme17.amxx // public_rules
sohaibxtreme18.amxx // reset score beta
sohaibxtreme19.amxx // round chat msg
sohaibxtreme20.amxx // semiclip
sohaibxtreme21.amxx // srv info
sohaibxtreme22.amxx // weapon icon
sohaibxtreme23.amxx // XtremeDamage

Voleybol_Mod_XTREME.amxx debug // VoleyBall CSO Engine MoD

//**************Commands On GamePlay*****************//
1> Type In Chat [ /rs ]
2> Type In Chat [ /admin ]
3> Type In Chat [ /help ]
4> Type In Chat [ /save ]
5> Type In Chat [ /reset ]
6> Type In Console [ amx_who ]
7> Type In Console [ amx_destroy “NickName” ]

1> Fully Unlock Plugins
2> Anti Lag/Jerk
3> Latency Controller CFG’s
4> Fast Download Already Added
5> Fully Addons No Additional Material
6> Voleybol XTREME CSO Addon Window/Linux Server
7> No Plugins Bugs To Jerk Server


1> Window Server
2> Connection Speed 2MB+
3> Port Speed 100MB+
4> Linux Server


Counter-Strike 1.6 Voleybol XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]Counter-Strike 1.6 Voleybol XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]Counter-Strike 1.6 CSO Voleybol XTREME FDL Addon Download [ Win/Linux ]
1. Download Voleybol Plus MoD [ CLICK TO Download Voleybol CSO Win/Linux ]
2. Winrar Password [ ]
3. Upload Folder ( cstrike ) On Server [ cstrike ]
4. Run Server 😉


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