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Counter-Strike CS Server

Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Beta Original MoD Download [ 2k18 ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie Plague 6.2 Beta Original XTREME Awesome Addon + FDL ( 2k18 ) [ LATEST ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Beta Original MoD Download [ 2k18 ]

Counter-Strike is a chain of multiplayer first-person shooter video video games, in which teams of terrorists and counter-terrorists struggle to, respectively, perpetrate an act of terror and prevent it.You Can Play With Others And Your Friends And Make Your Gaming On Expert Level On Smoothness System It Has Lot Of Fun And Kills Or Revenge xD

Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Beta Original MoD Download [ 2k18 ]

Author Uploaded: SMAT
Author Writer: $ohaibXtreme

Version: 7559 [ 2k18 ]

1> Ready Addon Added [ Pro ]
2> Ready Plugin Install [ Pro ]
5> Best Server Configuration Added [ Pro ]
6> Added Server.CFG Best For Gaming Rates [ Pro ]
7> Added LowLatencyLag.CFG Awesome [ Pro ]
8> Anti Lag/Jerk [ Pro ]
9> Anti Latency Issue [ Pro ]
10> Voice Chat Controller [ Pro ]
11> Bloods And Other Bugs Fix [ Pro ]
12> Rehlds Added [ Pro ]
13> Fully 2017 Final Customized Server 😉
14> 🙂 Have Fun Enjoy [ FREE ]

//********GAME PlAY Plugins*********//
1> admin.amxx
2> bots.amxx
3> amx_lastmaps.amxx
4> amx_freeze.amxx
5> auto_join_on_connect.amxx
6> admincmd.amxx
7> adminvote.amxx
8> adminchat.amxx
9> allchat.amxx
10> load.amxx
11> amx_lastip.amxx
12> Unlimited_Clip_Ammo.amxx
13> who.amxx
14> giveap.amxx
15> ZP62_swear_replacement.amxx
16> saycharfix.amxx
17> pingfaker.amxx
18> ad_manager.amxx
19> WarGods_Shield.amxx
20> antiflood.amxx
21> amx_pika.amxx
22> auto_join_on_connect.amxx

//********GAME PlAY Engine*********//
1> ZM62_ORGINAL_BY_SohaibXtreme.amxx debug  // IP BuG Contact Me ]
2> ZP62_Main.amxx debug
3> ZP62_Tags.amxx debug
4> zm_vip.amxx


Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Beta Original MoD Download [ 2k18 ]Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Beta Original MoD Download [ 2k18 ]Download In Linux Via Putty [ VPS ]:
1> cd /home
2> wget
3> unzip

4> cd zp62_original
5> chmod +x hlds_linux
6> chmod +x hlds_run
7> ./hlds_run -game cstrike -pingboost 2 -sys_ticrate 10000 +ip UR +port 27015 +maxplayers 32 +map zm_ice_attack3

BUY Counter-Strike 1.6 Dedicated High Speed Server:

CS 1.6 Zombie 6.2 with bots, Counter-Strike Zombie 6.2 Mod Released, how to download and install Zombie 6.2, Addons Zombie 6.2 Original, How to install Zombie 6.2 on the server, Zombie 6.2 Original Mode for Window, CS 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Original Mod For Linux Download, CS 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Mod Download, CS 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Addon Download, CS 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Original Addon Download, CS 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Plague Download, Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie 6.2 Addon Free Download, cs 1.6 Zombie 6.2 mod download, cs 1.6 Zombie 6.2 addon download, cs 1.6 Zombie 6.2 mod download, cs 1.6 zombie mod 6.2 download

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Mohmmad king February 22, 2018 at 10:07 pm

mod is off ??

sohaibxtreme February 23, 2018 at 7:58 am

Mod is online/offline
For online install on server
For offline install on cs game

Ejaz February 26, 2018 at 9:13 am

Good Work

Good[L]ock April 17, 2018 at 12:03 pm

i need mod zm plague 6.2 / 6.0

sohaibxtreme April 17, 2018 at 1:06 pm

his it Original 6.2 or 6.0 but i insalled ip bug
so u have to contact me at

Salah Eddine July 12, 2018 at 7:41 pm

Download link is not working 🙁

sohaibxtreme July 12, 2018 at 9:51 pm Reply
Salah Eddine July 30, 2018 at 8:20 am

I receive this message : Problem, contact SohaibXtreme.NeT
When starting the server, everything was done correctly.

Salah Eddine July 30, 2018 at 2:43 pm

No Sohaibn That didn’t work even after that i still receive same error.

sohaibxtreme July 30, 2018 at 3:08 pm

contact me in pm
or gorup

Salah Eddine July 30, 2018 at 3:23 pm

Done go and check i’m :


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