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Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie Escape XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie Escape v3.5 & LevelStyle Plus XTREME CSO BETA Awesome Addon + FDL ( 2k17 ) [ LATEST ]

Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie Mod/Addon Where You Can Turn Up Ur Skill To Become Pro In Gaming Arena And You Can Able To Play With On Multiplayer Level Skill And I Maked This Fully Unlock Plugin + Awesome Settings 😉

Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie Escape XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]

Author Uploaded: Smat
Author Writer: SohaibXtreme

1> Latest Updated HLDS [ Win/Linux Server ]
2> Work Only AMX MoD X 1.8.2 And 1.8.3
3> Orpue Modules Win/Linux Already Added 🙂

Plugins GamePlay:
sohaibxtreme1.amxx // adminchat
sohaibxtreme2.amxx // AdminExplode
sohaibxtreme3.amxx // amx_destroy
sohaibxtreme4.amxx // bad_camper
sohaibxtreme5.amxx // best_deffender_infector
sohaibxtreme6.amxx // block_advertising
sohaibxtreme7.amxx // Block_fog
sohaibxtreme8.amxx // Block_Kill_Command
sohaibxtreme9.amxx // break_info_dhud
sohaibxtreme10.amxx // bullet_damage
sohaibxtreme11.amxx // Bullet_Whizz
sohaibxtreme12.amxx // combo_sprtes
sohaibxtreme13.amxx // control_money
sohaibxtreme14.amxx // cs_team_semiclip
sohaibxtreme15.amxx // CustomFlashLight
sohaibxtreme16.amxx // descriptive_fire_in_the_hole
sohaibxtreme17.amxx // enemy_down
sohaibxtreme18.amxx // frostnades
sohaibxtreme19.amxx // gamenamechanger
sohaibxtreme20.amxx // GHW_connect
sohaibxtreme21.amxx // GHW_Weapon_Replacement
sohaibxtreme22.amxx // grenade_effects_h_d
sohaibxtreme23.amxx // grenade_sack
sohaibxtreme24.amxx // HL_WeaponFloating
sohaibxtreme25.amxx // nademodes
sohaibxtreme26.amxx // pain_effect
;sohaibxtreme27.amxx // parachute
sohaibxtreme28.amxx // quakesounds
sohaibxtreme29.amxx // realnadedrops
sohaibxtreme30.amxx // round_chat_msg
sohaibxtreme31.amxx // saycharfix
sohaibxtreme32.amxx // shopmenu
sohaibxtreme33.amxx // SpeedHackDetector
sohaibxtreme34.amxx // speedometer
sohaibxtreme35.amxx // spriteFixer
sohaibxtreme36.amxx // srv_info
sohaibxtreme37.amxx // target_info
sohaibxtreme38.amxx // team_grenade_trail
sohaibxtreme39.amxx // tracer_xtreme
sohaibxtreme40.amxx // weapon_icon
sohaibxtreme41.amxx // XtremeDamage

ZE_grenade_status_statusicon.amxx debug // Grenade Status MoD Engine
ze_knife_menu.amxx debug // Escape PopUp Knife MoD Engine
ZE_Show_HP_HUD.amxx debug // Zombie HP HUD MoD Engine
ze_showescapebutton.amxx debug // Escape HUD MoD Engine
ze_sprite_on_hud.amxx debug // Round Win OR Fail HUD MoD Engine
zombie_escape_progress_v2.3.amxx debug // Progess While Escaping MoD Engine
zombie_escape_v2.3.amxx debug // Main MoD Engine Only Work On Latest HLDS
Zombie_Escape_VIP.amxx debug // VIP MoD Engine [ Give Flag t+h ] To Make VIP
cs_ham_bots_api.amxx debug // Bot Protection MoD Engine
cs_player_models_api.amxx debug // Player Bug Fixer MoD Engine

//**************Commands On GamePlay*****************//
1> Type In Chat [ /rs ]
2> Type In Chat [ /shop ]
3> Type In Chat [ /vip ]
4> Type In Chat [ /knife ]
5> Type In Chat [ /admin ]
6> Type In Console [ amx_who ]
7> Type In Console [ amx_destroy “NickName” ]

1> Fully Unlock Plugins
2> Anti Lag/Jerk
3> Latency Controller CFG’s
4> Fast Download Already Added
5> Fully Addons No Additional Material
6> Zombie Escape XTREME CSO Addon Window/Linux Server
7> No Plugins Bugs To Jerk Server


1> Window Server
2> Connection Speed 2MB+
3> Port Speed 100MB+
4> Linux Server


Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie Escape XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie Escape XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie Escape XTREME Addon Download [ 2k17 ]Counter-Strike 1.6 CSO Zombie Escape XTREME FDL Addon Download [ Win/Linux ]
1. Download Zombie Escape Plus MoD [ ZEscape-Link1 / ZEscape-Link2 ]
2. Winrar Password [ ]
3. Upload Folder ( cstrike ) On Server [ cstrike ]
4. Run Server 😉

BUY Counter-Strike 1.6 Dedicated High Speed Server:


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Raaul November 6, 2017 at 7:57 pm

man what is setinfo _pw no function …… pls take command

sohaibxtreme November 7, 2017 at 4:02 am

Bro for vip flags [ t and h ]
setinfo _pw “admin/vip password here”

sardar October 22, 2018 at 11:05 am


proxNRO January 23, 2019 at 10:58 am

no man

sohaibxtreme January 23, 2019 at 12:45 pm


qwe December 28, 2017 at 5:58 pm

المود ما يشتغل

qwe December 28, 2017 at 5:59 pm

dont work

sohaibxtreme December 29, 2017 at 9:20 am

what not work

proxNRO January 24, 2019 at 6:24 pm

no 🙁

gunz February 7, 2018 at 6:53 am

my players want escape mod i will test your addon, i have no time and may this work
note: change plugins name instead with a name, bad idea as well

sohaibxtreme February 9, 2018 at 10:13 am

yes test it

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Mohmmad king February 23, 2018 at 7:17 am

pls mod her

sohaibxtreme February 23, 2018 at 7:58 am

What mod her?

Mohmmad king February 23, 2018 at 5:43 pm


sohaibxtreme February 25, 2018 at 7:14 am

u mean [ CS 1.6 Zombie The Hero Mod ]
i will make but it takes time so wait
atleast 3 days

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Mr>>>J@PRO March 25, 2019 at 12:48 pm

Setifo _pw Not WORK Go Add New AMX.CFG :”) NICE MOD Ty MAN <3

sohaibxtreme March 25, 2019 at 8:32 pm

working fine u should use setinfo _pw
when u join server then go hlds type
status and check ur steam or nick proper

Joe May 29, 2020 at 7:30 pm

the install button is just a picture how tf do i download it???

[F]lizz{y} April 30, 2021 at 4:10 am

sohaibxtreme u add sma file?
if all SohaibXtreme.NeT im no download
change to ISI Xtreme
because i have isi xtreme gaming community v2

sohaibxtreme April 30, 2021 at 6:41 am

Want sma so pay 80$


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